Board Matching

Prepare for Board Service

By participating in Leadership Stark County programs, local leaders become better prepared to serve on non-profit boards. These leaders are exposed to the assets and resources in our community, and become equipped to take on volunteer leadership roles on local boards. If you are a local leader who wishes to become active on area non-profit boards, consider participating in one of our programs.

Board Matching Process

Each year, Leadership Stark County holds a board matching event in which program participants and graduates are matched with non-profit organizations in a “speed-boarding” session. Agency representatives and Leadership Stark County participants go through a rotation of ten-minute conversations to assess mutual interests. There are generally around 20 non-profits represented and about 20 participants. Leadership Stark County then uses participant and agency rankings to find the best matches. Non-profit organizations in need of board members can contact Leadership Stark County about taking part in a board matching event.

Recruit local leaders for your board

If your agency needs to recruit new board members, try the Leadership Stark County board matching process. You will get to meet potential members and tell them what your agency does and hear them talk about their aspirations for community service. Contact Leadership Stark County to discuss your needs.

More Matching

In addition to the yearly board matching event, Leadership Stark County publishes a class announcement each fall which introduces the newest Signature Program graduates to the community and signals that they are ready to take their place in community leadership roles.

At any time during the year, we can get in touch with our graduates, based on their skills and interests, to help fill your needs for non-profit board members.

In addition we can also do an in-depth needs assessment with the non-profit and Leadership Stark County staff and recommendations are then made tailored to your organizational needs.

Non-Profit Board Package

Get your new board year off to a fresh start with the non-profit board “mini-retreat” package. Give board members the opportunity to learn how a good board functions, how to make the most of their participation, and how to use individual strengths to work as a team to further your mission.


  • Board members attendance at ½ day boardmanship seminar with three noted speakers (takes place in February)
  • On-line StrengthsFinder 2.0 profile and book, including personal report of top strengths.
  • Facilitation of session on using strengths in the workplace (at your convenience, at your location)

For more information on how you can involve and engage your employees through Leadership Stark County’s programs, or to discuss a customized solution for leadership at our organization, contact Stephanie Werren.